


“我明白了了”, “我懂了呀”,这一个情形在咱们日常生活中经常出现啦。关于咱们烤鸭来讲,最让紧张的是,咱们要跟咱们的雅思口语考官说得隧道,因此这一种情形会发生在本人听不懂,亦或是口语考官跟咱们仔细解说声明的时候,您得表示“我懂了呀”吧,这一种情形平常都会发生啦。好多同学会挑选“I see了”代替“I know吧”,但也有好多同窗明白,在口语中有1个愈加隧道的表明就用get这一个单词的固定表明,可是这边有一个疑惑,我们也许都没怎样留意,那究竟是get it,就是got it呢呢?在咱们中国让您口中,生活里总会听见我们说“Get了了”,可是在看美剧的时候,您略加留意,就能发觉美剧中经常听见“Got it吧”,莫非这不过时态的区分吗吗?可不是哦,这边有一个圈套的,期望我们在口语考试的时候要留意说准确呢。

1. Get / Got怎样用的吗?

咱们明白get有好多的使用方法,什麽情形下,应当怎样用才会表明“懂了呀”的意义呢了。不管什么样的情形,假如您只用 get 或 got此中一切某1个词来回复别人表示“get 到了呀”,本来都是错误的,准确的使用方法是肯定要在后面加上something,因此样式就那样I get / got something

比方,您想简练地回覆别人您清楚某事了,肯定要记的在最终加上 it:

1) Get it. 我清楚了呢。

2) Got it. 我清楚了啦。

但除去时态的区分,本来get 和 got 在使用方法和有些细节上也有不一样额,十分是表明不一样的潜台词呢。

2. 对于Get



1) 从 get 这一个词讲起To get something: 了解.懂.清楚了。

口语中有一句经常用的表明I get it: 我清楚了了。


2) Get 也有更客套.更安全的讲法,不会让人感受您不耐烦

a) I get it now. 我现如今清楚了呢。

b) I think I get it. 我想我清楚了了。



反过来,您不懂.不清楚的时候,就可以直-接说I don't get it. 我不清楚呢。


1) I don’t get a joke: 我不懂这一个玩笑的笑点了。

2) I don’t get the point: 我不懂这一个道理呢。


假如您想表明十分理解1个人的时候也可以用 get

1) He really gets me. 她真的很懂我了。

2) They get each other. 她们很理解对方啦。

但当心万万别说成这句话Get on someone’s nerves: 惹某些人生气

最终,get 也可以用在1个句里Do you get it? 您懂了吗呢?

3. 对于Got


和 Get it 对比,“Got it了” 让人听起来愈加安心,表示您懂了,而且后续肯定会采取行动呢。领会完,立刻行动的那一种主动的姿态呢。

Got it: 我懂了+ 我会去作=主动的姿态

因此对考官.boss或是前辈说这句更加好I got it. 我(早已经)清楚了


1) Got it 还可以表示不需要操心,我来搞定的意义呢。

Eg: Got it: I can handle it.

2) Got 也可以用来激励别人

Eg: You got this: 您可以的了。记的不可以把 this 说成 that.这是个固定表明,因此不需要随便改变呢。

因此我们为了安全起见,本来在我前方提到的在考官前面,表明本人“懂了呀”的话,用got it就对比直面以及规矩啦呢。还有其它的,有机遇将要用上了,肯定帮您奋争更多的印象分数啦。雅思加油呢。



Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

1. Learnability 研习才能

We’ll begin with learnability because it is arguably the most important 21st-century skill you will need to succeed. Alvin Toffler said, "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." That's because, in an environment where new skills emerge as fast as others fade, success is less about what you already know and more about adapting your skills by growing and expanding your knowledge base, so you can use new information and skills to respond to whatever is happening.


2. Resilience 韧劲

Setbacks and failures are a part of life, but how you choose to deal with those roadblocks is what is critical to your success. Resilience is the ability to bounce back in the face of obstacles and failures. When you are resilient, you don't focus on the ups and downs. Instead, you stay focused on your long-term goals, and you never lose confidence in your ability to prevail. By helping you face challenges and difficulties, resilience also enables you to handle stress more positively.


prevail[prɪˈveɪl]: vi. 打败,得胜

3. Agility 灵敏

As the work landscape shifts, learning to be agile is a critical skill, as yesterday’s solutions do not solve tomorrow’s problems. At the heart of being agile is shifting gears when the context calls for it and responding accordingly to the needs of your workplace, clients or industry trends.


4. Collaboration 合作才能

In our increasingly hyper-connected world, we’re no longer expected to work just as individuals or only in silos. Our projects have become more complex, so the ability to work effectively as part of a team has also grown in importance. Given the increasingly global nature of work, your ability to collaborate, share knowledge and contribute to teams that can capitalize on a diversity of thinking and perspective is critical.


capitalize[ˈkæpɪtəlaɪz]: vi. 利用

5. Verbal communication 口头交流才能

Advancing in your career is not just based on what you do. There’s a good chance that at some point in your career you’ll have to use strong verbal communication skills so you can sell others on your ideas, products, or services. Whether you're needing to explain your value when you are being considered for a promotion, presenting as part of a team project, or speaking on stage, you need to be able to communicate well and convey strong, persuasive ideas.


6. Written communication 书面交流才能

We live in an era of tweets and sound bites, but good written communication skills still matter when it comes to your career. Whether you are sending professional emails, communicating with a client, trying to deliver a coherent business plan, or anything in between, you should be able to communicate quickly, accurately and effectively.








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